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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Bitter tears of caramel

Surprise! It's Tuesday and I'm here! I figured I'd give you an update on the chocolate wonder-cake. Unfortunately, the first frosting idea - a chocolate salted caramel - did not go as planned. This is what happens when your recipes are incorrect. Really look at your recipes before you start and ask yourself, does this seem like other recipes I've seen? because if not, it'll be a disaster. Even chefs make mistakes, and I let my caramel get too dark, and I had to piece together the steps of the recipe myself, as I didn't notice that the one I had wasn't actually complete! SIGH. Oh well. Onto recipe number 2: chocolate sour cream frosting...yum yum! Currently I have my chocolate melting in a glass bowl over a pot of simmering water (remember the double boiler technique?). I'll let you know how it goes! Happy baking!

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